Intoxicated Shrubbery

I was lying in the park on a sunny afternoon trying to think of ideas of what to plot on my recently acquired HP7475A. There wasn’t much there besides some grass, a few trees and some shrubs. Plotting a whole tree I thought is much too difficult. But the shrubs seemed doable - all of the thick shrubs seemed to grow in a nice parabolic arc, with the tallest branches growing from the center, and the height decreasing smoothly the further you went from the middle.

Here’s the rough sketch I made in the park so I wouldn’t forget (I think the drawings on the left are dandelion-inspired ideas that are yet to be realized):

It’s a random walk, starting from the bottom and moving in a random direction at each “step” - except the step size is larger if the random choice is directed upwards. The total length (“mass”) of each branch is decided semi-randomly at the beginning, and is higher near the horizontal center of the page than the edges.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown with some code:

  1. Choose a point on the bottom edge of the page to start a branch.

    int delta = int(random(-3000,2000));
    x= xMax;
    y = int(HORIZONTAL_CENTER + delta);
  2. Depending on the distance of the point from the horizontal center, choose a random mass for the branch. The further from the middle, the smaller the mass.

     mass = int(random(8, 180 - abs(delta)/12)); // Quick solution with trial and error. You could do better by using a formula for a curve.
  3. Choose a new point, a random distance away from the last point. The point has a bias towards negative x (up on the sheet), so the branches grow upwards.

      x = int(x + spacing*random(-2, 1));
      y = int(y + spacing*random(-1, 1));
  4. Draw a line between the original point and the new point, and increase mass used by 1.

      i = i + 1;
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until either all the mass has been used up, or the branch goes out of bounds of the drawing area.

      if ( x > xMin && x < xMax && y > yMin && y < yMax && i < mass && iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS) {
          line_clipped(x0, y0, x, y, up);
          i = i + 1; // increase mass used

A close up

void draw() {
  int spacing = 100;
  int x0, y0;
  int MAX_ITERATIONS = 300;

  x0 = x;
  y0 = y;

  x = int(x + spacing*random(-2, 1));
  y = int(y + spacing*random(-1, 1));

  if ( x > xMin && x < xMax && y > yMin && y < yMax && i < mass && iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS) {
      line_clipped(x0, y0, x, y, up); // draws lines only if they're in the reduced drawing area
      up = false;

  } else {
    int delta = int(random(-3000,2000));
    x= xMax;
    y = int(HORIZONTAL_CENTER + delta);
    mass = int(random(8, 180 - abs(delta)/12)); // Hacky way of getting shorter branches when they start nearer to the edge
    iterations = iterations + 1;
    up = true; // lift the pen if a branch is finished

    int pen = round(random(1, 2));
    if (pen != currentPen) {
      plotter.write("SP"+ pen + ";", 3000); //Select pen
      plotter.write("PU"+x+","+y+";", 4000); //Position pen
      println("pen: " + pen);
    currentPen = pen;


  if (iterations == MAX_ITERATIONS) {
      plotter.write("PU"+0+","+0+";"); //Position pen at origin when done plotting



And that’s it!

Complete Processing code with all of the surrounding stuff:

  import processing.serial.*;

  Serial myPort;    // Create object from Serial class
  Plotter plotter;  // Create a plotter object
  int val;          // Data received from the serial port
  int lf = 10;      // ASCII linefeed

  //Enable plotting?
  boolean PLOTTING_ENABLED = true;
  boolean draw_box = false;
  boolean draw_label = true;
  boolean up = true;

  boolean just_draw = false;

  String dateTime = day() + "/" + month() + "/" + year() + " " + hour() + ":" + minute() + ":" + second() + " - ";
  String label = dateTime + "INTOXICATED SHRUBBERY IV";

  //Plotter dimensions
  int xMin = 600;
  int yMin = 800;
  int xMax = 10300 - 300;
  int yMax = 8400 - 600;
  int A4_MAX_WIDTH = 10887;
  int A4_MAX_HEIGHT = 8467;
  int VERTICAL_CENTER = (xMax + xMin) /2;
  int HORIZONTAL_CENTER = (yMax + yMin) /2;

  int i = 0;
  int iterations = 0;
  int lastY = yMin;
  int currentPen = 1;

  int x = -9999999;
  int y = -9999999;
  int mass = 50;

  //Let's set this up
  void setup() {
    background(233, 233, 220);
    size(840, 1080);

    if (just_draw) {
      draw_box = false;
      draw_label = false;
      PLOTTING_ENABLED = true;

    //Select a serial port
    println(Serial.list()); //Print all serial ports to the console
    String portName = Serial.list()[1]; //make sure you pick the right one
    println("Plotting to port: " + portName);

    //Open the port
    myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);

    //Associate with a plotter object
    plotter = new Plotter(myPort);

    //Initialize plotter
    //Draw a label first (this is pretty cool to watch)

    if (draw_label) {
    int labelX = xMax + 300;
    int labelY = yMin;

      plotter.write("PU"+labelX+","+labelY+";"); //Position pen
      plotter.write("SI0.14,0.14;DI0,1;LB" + label + char(3)); //Draw label
      println("drawing label");
      delay(label.length() * 500);
      println("label done");

    float textX = map(labelX, 0, A4_MAX_HEIGHT, 0, width);
    float textY = map(labelY, 0, A4_MAX_WIDTH, 0, height);

    text(dateTime + label, textY, textX);

    if (draw_box) {

      drawLine(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMin, true);
      drawLine(xMax, yMin, xMax, yMax, true);
      drawLine(xMax, yMax, xMin, yMax, true);
      drawLine(xMin, yMax, xMin, yMin, true);

      // diagonals
      drawLine(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, true);
      drawLine(xMin, yMax, xMax, yMin, true);

      //vertical line down from middle
      line_clipped(xMin, (yMax + yMin) /2, xMax, (yMax + yMin) /2, true);

      //horizontal line
      line_clipped((xMax + xMin) /2, yMin, (xMax + xMin) /2, yMax, true);


  void draw() {
    int spacing = 100;
    int x0, y0;
    int MAX_ITERATIONS = 150;

    //horizontal line
    x0 = x;
    y0 = y;

    x = int(x + spacing*random(-2, 1));
    y = int(y + spacing*random(-1, 1));

    if ( x > xMin && x < xMax && y > yMin && y < yMax && i < mass && iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS) {
        line_clipped(x0, y0, x, y, up);
        up = false;

    } else {

      int delta = int(random(-3000,2000));
      println("delta=" + delta);
      x = int(VERTICAL_CENTER + random(-5, 5));
      y = int(HORIZONTAL_CENTER + delta);
      x= xMax;
      mass = int(random(8, 180 - abs(delta)/12));
      iterations = iterations + 1;
      up = true;

      int pen = round(random(1, 2));
      currentPen = pen;
      if (pen != currentPen) {
        plotter.write("SP"+ pen + ";", 3000); //Select pen
        plotter.write("PU"+x+","+y+";", 4000); //Position pen
        println("pen: " + pen);


    if (iterations == MAX_ITERATIONS) {
        plotter.write("PU"+0+","+0+";"); //Position pen

  * Encode a given point (x, y) into the different regions of
  * a clip window as specified by its top-left corner (cx, cy)
  * and it's width and height (cw, ch).
  int encode_endpoint(
    float x, float y,
    float clipx, float clipy, float clipw, float cliph)
    int code = 0; /* Initialized to being inside clip window */

    /* Calculate the min and max coordinates of clip window */
    float xmin = clipx;
    float xmax = clipx + cliph;
    float ymin = clipy;
    float ymax = clipy + clipw;

    if (x < xmin)       /* to left of clip window */
      code |= (1 << 0);
    else if (x > xmax)  /* to right of clip window */
      code |= (1 << 1);

    if (y < ymin)       /* below clip window */
      code |= (1 << 2);
    else if (y > ymax)  /* above clip window */
      code |= (1 << 3);

    return code;

  boolean line_clipped(
    float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, boolean up) {

    float clipx = xMin;
    float clipy = yMin;
    float clipw = yMax-yMin;
    float cliph = xMax-xMin;

    /* Stores encodings for the two endpoints of our line */
    int e0code, e1code;

    /* Whether the line should be drawn or not */
    boolean accept = false;
    int tries = 0;

    do {
      /* Get encodings for the two endpoints of our line */
      e0code = encode_endpoint(x0, y0, clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph);
      e1code = encode_endpoint(x1, y1, clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph);
      tries = tries + 1;
      if (tries > 3) {
        println("tried too many times;");

      if (e0code == 0 && e1code == 0) {
        /* If line inside window, accept and break out of loop */
        accept = true;
      } else if ((e0code & e1code) != 0) {
        * If the bitwise AND is not 0, it means both points share
        * an outside zone. Leave accept as 'false' and exit loop.
      } else {
        /* Pick an endpoint that is outside the clip window */
        int code = e0code != 0 ? e0code : e1code;

        float newx = 0, newy = 0;

        * Now figure out the new endpoint that needs to replace
        * the current one. Each of the four cases are handled
        * separately.
        if ((code & (1 << 0)) != 0) {
          /* Endpoint is to the left of clip window */
          //println("/* Endpoint is above the clip window */");

          newx = xMin;
          newy = ((y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)) * (newx - x0) + y0;
        } else if ((code & (1 << 1)) != 0) {
          /* Endpoint is to the right of clip window */
          //println("/* Endpoint is below the clip window */");

          newx = xMax;
          newy = ((y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)) * (newx - x0) + y0;
        } else if ((code & (1 << 3)) != 0) {
          /* Endpoint is above the clip window */
          //println("/* Endpoint is to the right of the clip window */");
          newy = yMax;
          newx = ((x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0)) * (newy - y0) + x0;
        } else if ((code & (1 << 2)) != 0) {
          /* Endpoint is below the clip window */
          //println(" /* Endpoint is to the left of the clip window */");
          newy = yMin;
          newx = ((x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0)) * (newy - y0) + x0;

        /* Now we replace the old endpoint depending on which we chose */
        if (code == e0code) {
          x0 = newx;
          y0 = newy;
        } else {
          x1 = newx;
          y1 = newy;
        tries = tries +1;
    } while (true);

    if (accept) {
      drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, up);

    return accept;

  void drawLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, boolean up) {
    float _x1 = map(x1, 0, A4_MAX_HEIGHT, 0, width);
    float _y1 = map(y1, 0, A4_MAX_WIDTH, 0, height);

    float _x2 = map(x2, 0, A4_MAX_HEIGHT, 0, width);
    float _y2 = map(y2, 0, A4_MAX_WIDTH, 0, height);
    line(_y1, _x1, _y2, _x2);

    String pen = "PD";
    if (up) {

    plotter.write("PD"+x2+","+y2+";"); //75 ms delay


  void drawPoint(int x, int y) {
    float _x = map(x, 0, A4_MAX_HEIGHT, 0, width);
    float _y = map(y, 0, A4_MAX_WIDTH, 0, height);

    plotter.write("PU"+x+","+y+";"); //Position pen
    plotter.write("PD"+x+","+y+";"); //Position pen

    point(_y, _x);

  Simple plotter class

  class Plotter {
    Serial port;

    Plotter(Serial _port) {
      port = _port;

    void write(String hpgl) {

    void write(String hpgl, int del) {